The Facts You Need About The Eminent Domain Process And Public Use
If your residential or business property is in danger of being taken by government’s powers of eminent domain, you can count on Century Law Group, LLP’s attorneys to protect your rights — and your investment in your real estate holdings.
For starters, we educate you to the importance of public use law, which was construed to mean land to be used by the public for roads and highways, schools, libraries, and police stations.
Elimination of “blighted” areas has also been a common public use. As of 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that eminent domain can be used to take private property in order to give it to another private party. This controversial economic redevelopment theory states that new owners will put the land to more lucrative uses, thereby increasing tax revenues which would benefit the public.
Our eminent domain lawyers bring decades of combined experience to your legal issues and your need to receive just compensation for your property. We are a law firm that represents you and people like you in Los Angeles, San Diego, Northern California, Texas and statewide. We never represent the government.
Experienced Attorneys In Eminent Domain Representation Statewide
The eminent domain process can be divided into two stages: before your lawsuit and during it.
Prelawsuit — from property appraisal to initial offer and notice of hearing, to the hearing itself and discussions about relocation of a home or business
Commencement of lawsuit — including complaint by the government, your answer to the court, government offer of just compensation, hiring of appraisers to determine fair market value, discovery, final settlement, or trial
Your Initial Consultation
Eminent domain proceedings can be a confusing and emotional experience. If you don’t know your rights, you may not get the full value for your property. Many people’s real property or business is their most valuable asset, and oftentimes, they are not aware of the amount and type of compensation they are entitled to.
We urge you to contact one of our skillful, knowledgeable Century Law Group, LLP lawyers right away if you feel that your sizable investment in a residence or business property has come under attack by the government. Reach us in Los Angeles, San Diego, Northern California or Texas by email or by calling toll free 866-779-6353.