Advocating For Your Right To Compensation For Fixtures And Equipment
If a government taking of your home or business property has become a foregone conclusion, you want to be compensated for every fixture and every piece of equipment you used to improve that property over a period of years.
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Article 1, Section 19 of the California Constitution, both insist that government must pay “just compensation” in advance of the taking of private property. This “just compensation” is generally sought for the value of real property being taken, improvements to the property, such as fixtures and equipment, and business goodwill.
When these issues are important to you, you should be in touch with the Attorneys in California eminent domain law right away — the law firm of Century Law Group, LLP.
Our eminent domain lawyers in Los Angeles, San Diego, Northern California and Texas use their decades of combined experience, proven skills, reputation for positive results and attentive personalized service to the benefit of our clients statewide. When fixtures and equipment attached to a property subject to eminent domain are in play, we aggressively safeguard your interests, in and out of the courtroom.
Contact Our Attorneys, Locally Or Toll Free From Wherever You Are In California
Century Law Group, LLP has been retained by clients with a wide variety of eminent domain needs. We have been able to assist them in getting the compensation they are entitled to for their condemned property.
We are also able to settle many of our eminent domain cases without dragging out a long trial, saving our clients time and stress. Our contingency fee policy means that if we can’t get you money for your property, you owe us nothing. That is how sure we are that we can help you. Please call us toll free at 866-779-6353 or email us for an initial consultation.